India- आर्यावर्त, द्राविड, चालुक्य and केरल; the influence of the last could still be found in such distant lands as Java and Cambodia", 1
Professor Lewis Hayter, Professor of Architecture in the University College, London, in his article "Architecture" in Encyclopaedia Britannica- (9th edition, Vol. II, Edmburgh, Adam and Charley Mack, 1875) writes-- "Hindu Architecture has been divided into that of the Aryan or Sanskrit races of Northern India, that of the Soutlı or the Tamil races and that prevalent in the Punjab and Kashmir. Of the first and last, we have comparatively little knowledge, but South Hindu work is treated at great length by Ram Raz, a native author." Had there been any distinct illustrations of the last division mentioned above, they would have surely given a clue as to which that division had a tendency to approximate to. The author of the British Encyclopacdia is silent as regards the aut style which was never a North Indian Style. Ram Raz is also not correct so far as daar is concerned. But the author's admission that comparatively little is known about it, is as frank as anything could be. In the absence of any illustrative examples and documentary evidence, the statement has hardly any significance in the question of differentiation of styles.
The above diversity in the classification of Indian Architecture can be accounted for mainly on two considerations:--
1. Indologists in various branches of learning including Archæology, Sculpturc, etc., it may be observed, mostly depend upon objective representations for their findings. The existence of monu. mental objects forms the conclusive evidence with them. Documen: tary evidence does not carry enough weight so far as their deductions go.
2. The inaccessibility of requisite materials to scholars interested in this subject is as much responsible as the lack of comprehending the subject-matter in its full bearing on the part of those attempting to arrive at a correct valuation of the principles of the subject.
1. cf. Version of the Southern School-सुप्रभेदागम, मानसार and शिल्परल by S'hri Kumāra--
1. *A 35919 30; V. 40–42.
अङ्गोत्सेधं तु कर्तव्यमर्धाकं तु न कारयेत् । graafhaleti facha: RTU 11 40 11 नागरं द्राविड चैव वेसरं च त्रिधा स्मृतम् । 4081°r*** i Ancherfafa tap 1 41 11 ग्रीवमारम्य चाष्टानं विमानं द्रविडारख्यकम् ।
सर्व ये चतुरश्रं यत्प्रासादं नागरं विदम् ॥ 42 ॥ 2. AASR--Bara 18 lines 90-100.
मूलादि स्तूपिपर्यन्तं वेदा चाथताश्रकम् ॥ 45 ॥