this number is susceptible of further reduction to नागर, द्रा वह, भूमिज and वराट as will be gathered later on from ( सूत्र 114, 123, 125, 126 etc.) पीठ, पीठो दयमान, रेखा etc. सूत्र 112 of अपराजितपृच्छा describes the countries where these varieties of gras had their origin or were greatly in predominance; yet nowhere in the list of those countries and in the very styles themselves does one come across the term at which had, it is evident, ceased to be in vogue as an independent style at the time this treatise came to be compiled, though at and fas did hold their sway in the constructive art unimpaired.
वेसर in वास्तुराज :
In the place of the quadrangular form of the ground plan and quadrangular horizontal sections throughout the whole of elevation in the नागर buildings as defined in मयमत, मानसार, शिल्परल etc., one meets with a direct contrast in agua wherein the quadrangular plan is replaced by plans of different shapes.
1st अध्याय:
आदौ तु नागरार्णा च लक्षणं
2nd अध्याय:
। अनेकाकाररूपिणः ॥
पंचदराक्षेत्राणि - वैराज्यं चतुरस्रं च कैलासं वृत्तमेव च ॥ पुष्पाख्यं कारयेत्प्राज्ञश्चतुरश्रायतं तथा ॥ ४२ ॥ वृत्तायतं च कुर्वीत मणिकं तत्र बुद्धिमान् । त्रिविष्टपं तथाष्टा पंचपूज्यमहोत्सवान् ॥ ४३ ॥ वैराज्यं पुष्पकं चैव कैलासं मणिकोद्भवम् । त्रिविष्टपं पंचमं स्यान्नन्दादिक्रमयोगतः ॥ ४४ ॥ वातो: पंचविधं क्षेत्र चतुरस्त्रमथायतम् । वृत्तं वृत्तायतं चैवाष्टा देवालयादिषु ॥ ४५ ॥
इति सूत्रधारविरचिते नागरप्रासादपंच विषक्षेत्रे --लक्षणाधिकारे एकादशोऽध्यायः ||
नागरप्रसाद is described as अनेका काररूपिण: i. e having forms of various shapes. This is restricted later on to five main क्षेत्रs, square, rectangular, circular, ellipsoidal and eight-sided, otherwise known as वैराज्य, पुष्पक, कैलास, मणिक and त्रिविष्टर.
The colophon to the eleventh
clarifies the nature of the ground plan of art as it mentions in distinct terms the shapes of the ground plans. I leave aside, for the present, the forms in elevation including etc. Thus am with a quadrangular ground plan etc. from the base to the top as shown by Dravidian writers cannot be reconciled with the definition of the same term as elaborated by non-Dravidian writers.
The term वेबर, as ascertained from the available portion of वास्तुराज does not find place in the divisions of at all, as it had changed its name at the time वास्तु राज was composed. The term द्राविड as defined in मयमत etc.; too, falls far short of its connotation as is revealed by the