It is apparent that a has no place in the above classification of eight divisions. On a comparision of the distinguishing feat वेसर style of architecture, as summarized in शिल्परत्न, मानपार, etc., with the characteristics of the different substyles of TAUIXTEENIT, it will be easy to find out which features of the war style have merged into the ATOT, which in the gas and which either wholly or partially into the remaining atiz, f# , Has etc.
The conclusion in the Bulletin of the Madras Government Museum, New Series, General Section, Vol. III, part I, viz: "What has been called apte by recent writers proves really to be at is absolutely groundless. It is not the art but the sat that has not only changed probably its name, but its individuality, too.
Styles in अपराजितपच्छा -अपराजितपृच्छा, a work of the thirteenth century at the latest, mentions the following six styles-fim, allàs, aurat, algt, aferent and 197, instead of the three styles mentioned above. Evidently, ama and वेसर were considered two distinct styles, while व्यन्तर, कालिग and यामुन were added to the three styles of मानसार and शिल्परत्न.
The churning of stora by gods and demons brought forth along with several other valuables, a charming tender-limbed divine tree grate with variegated 7,and . The art style of architecture came into being in eastern, afas in the southern and dat in the northern branches of that gras respectively. TTT puts forth leaves in 990 (spring), gifs in A (summer) and ag in (autumn). In a general way, it style is prevalent in it, while afès owes its origin to 136 and ant to the north. arm, being fan, is white in colour; alfàs being 7, is red; while ma is 34 and green.
Forms of leaves of Art, #fes and wat are aco, CHITHI and suga. The distinguishing 43 ks of these styles are arah (resembling the nails of a tiger), भजाचित्रक (resembling thorns of बदरी and केतकी) and कलि (resembling a flower of arka plant) respectively.
In face of such documentary evidence, differentiating. dar, xilas aud #170 forins of architecture from one another, in the matter of ca (geographical distribution), जाति, वर्ण (colour), पत्राकृति and कंटक (mouldings), it is certainly an unsound attempt to theorize that "147 is nothing more than at and that modern writers have ousted an out of existence, in favour of नागर"
Tufara ei mentions as many as fourteen varietics of atars as under:-(1) #1317, (2) zifas, (3) afaa, (4) atz, (5) fara, (6) 91-are, (7) fa maarme, (8) 9975, (9) Ha, (10) 41a759%, (11) Ht, (12) film , (13) 197, and (14) ağa k. These are in the first instance reducible to eight, corresponding to the same number as in समर गणसूत्रधार, in as much as विमाननागर, fatage7, 4H, faciala, 21551 and ag can be conveniently merged into the one or the other of the eight varieties mentioned above. Even