only and that with great regard e. g. इदमेव चेतसि समारोप्याह 79912 gefafa: "a fishtait 92,27417:" (p.45); and also on p.88:
Chagafa HAITI STI ata gfa geetha: 1 He also refers to him as Sutrakāra and quotes a verse of his to abuse the Digambara Jainas (p. 79). The very first quotation gfe-919: to visit (p. 1) in our text is given in the commentary on the SDS of Haribhadra called Tarkarahasya Dipika thus: 4719 7176?fã: grazara, etc.25 This also signifies that Tayarāši quotes from Brhaspati. The word acaritala (p. 1) no doubt, also refers to Brhaspati as the quotation for Fristadza: etc, suggests. At the end of his work Jayarāši tells us that arguments which even could not occur to the Preceptor of Gods that is Bșhaspati obtain in his work TPS.
That). is developing the doctrine of the orthodox (!) Lokayata also becomes clear from the first paragraph of the text. He has to explain as to why he talks of tattvopaplava when Bșhaspati says: 374/6ITZ PIETEIA: 1 Mai1tastarghita arafa etc. Jayarasi in effect says that B, is merely reflecting (afla aaria) in his statement the belief of the people; but that what B. really means is that when one thinks one finds that even that Tattvas like gesit etc, do not stand - what to say about others ? Jayarāļi thus disposes off the orthodoxy and starts, so to say, with the permission of his Guru, by removing him out of the way, on his campaign of demolishing the doctrines of other schools.
The critical method of Jayarāši
The method which Jayaraši adopts is what may be called critical method using the word in the Kantian sense. He in effect says the system of knowables depends upon the system of means of knowledge; while mcans of knowledge in order to be valid have to conform to reality. So one has to examine whether therc arc any valid means of knowledge before one can say anything about reality. J. is of the opinion that there are no valid means of knowledge and in order to prove his thesis he examines the different theories of the Pramāņas or valid instruments of knowledge of the different schools of Indian Philosophy. That is why we call Jo's method critica126
25. P. 12
HATI published by Jaina Atmānanda Sabha, Bhay. pagar.
26. अथ कथं तानि न सन्ति । तदुच्यते सलक्षणनिबन्धन मानव्यवस्थाने, माननिPEAT TRIFFafa:, gaia aut: rozaurtfaq25H etc. p. 1, TPS