Critical editions of unprinted and original works of Oriental Literature, edited by competent scholars, and published at the Oriental Institute, Baroda
1. Kavyamimāṁsā (i): a work on poetics, by Rajasekhara (880-920 A.D.): edited by C. D. Dalal and R. Anantakrishna Sastry, 1916. Reissued, 1924. Third edition revised and enlarged by Pandit K. S. Ramaswami Shastri of the Oriental Institute, Baroda, 1934, pp. 52+314..
2. Naranārāyaṇānanda (caicism): a poem on the Pauranic story of Arjuna and Krsna's rambles on Mount Girnar, by Vastupala, Minister of King Viradhavala of Dholka, composed between Samvat 1277 and 1287, i.e., A.D. 1221 and 1231: edited by C. D. Dalal and R. Anantakrishna Sastry, 1916, pp. 11+92+12.
This book has been set as a text-book by several Universities including Benares, Bombay, and Patna.
Rs. A.
3. Tarkasangraha (avg): a work on Philosophy (refutation of Vaiseṣika theory of atomic creation) by Anandajñāna or Anandagiri, the famous commentator on Sankarācārya's Bhasyas, who flourished in the latter half of the 13th century: edited by T. M. Tripathi, 1917, pp. 36+142+13
Out of print.
Out of print.
4. Parthaparakrama (ququī): a drama describing Arjuna's recovery of the cows of King Virata, by Prahladanadeva, the founder of Palanpur and the younger brother of the Paramāra king of Chandravati (a state in Marwar), and a feudatory of the kings of Guzerat, who was a Yuvaraja in Samvat 1220 or A.D. 1164: edited by C. D. Dalal, 1917, pp. 8+29. Out of print. historical poem (Mahakavya) describing the history of the Bagulas of Mayuragiri, from Rastrauḍha, king of Kanauj and the originator of the dynasty, to Narayana, Shah of Mayuragiri, by Rudra Kavi, composed in Saka 1518 or A.D. 1596: edited by Pandit Embar Krishnamacharya with Introduction by C. D. Dalal, 1917, pp. 24+128+4
5. Rastrauḍhavamsa (e): an
Out of print.