Sri Harşa; and looking to the similarity of the argument of both the works may we suggest that Jayaraši (or some one else of his school of thought) might have inspired that grand dialectical work, viz. Khandana-khanda-khādya, though recognizing at the same timc that their aims are altogether different? Sri Harsa tries to show the adaptar of Brahma while Jayarāsi shows invalidity of Pramāņas and the consequent invalidity of everything. The difference may be explained by the fact that Jayaraši does not go beyond the plane of arts-Reason-while Sri Harsa - the Advaita Vedantin that he is, acccpts the possibility of know ing Brahma - the ultimate realiły – through means other than Tarka. However that may be, we can safely say that the type of thought represented by the TPS was not so unfamiliar to the old savants as it at first sight may appear; and as will be scen from what follows, Jain dialecticians both Digambara and Svetārbara were quite familiar with the TPS. The Age of the work and its Author
Coming to the question of the age of the work we take the date of the palm-leaf ms as our starting point. That date is 93$ Art. af 99 eat, 6th December 1292 A.D. Now let us make an attempt to find how far we can go into times earlier than this.
Mallisena Sūri in his commentary on Anyayogavyavachchheda Dvatrimsika of Hemachandra Sūri (1089-1173 A.D.) named Syadvādamañjari while commenting on verse 17 after putting forth the view of Sunyavadins says "विस्तरतस्तु प्रमाणखण्डनं तत्त्वोपप्लवसिंहाद अवलोकनीयम्। “For a detailed refutation of Pramānas Tattvopaplavasimla should be consulted” 8. In this reference ive are to note that the work is mentioned with its full title and for the purpose of 1419€.7. The title agrecs completely with the one of the work under consideration and 539 which starts on page one of our text forms its main theme. This leaves no doubt that Mallişena Sūri has our work in mind and no other. SM was finished in the Saka year 12149 - 11th October 1292. A.D.-less than two months before the date of our palmleaf ms. This also suggests that M. had a copy of this work other than the one available to us.
Chandraprabhasűri, in his Prabhāvaka-charita, chapter 16,mentions that the poet Dharma of the Kaula sect and a native of Broach had a dialectical duel with the great Jain dialectician Sänti Sūri of Anahillapura Pattan and that he used the
8. P. 118, Syādvādamañjarî ed. by Dr. A. B. Dhruva, BSS. 9. BIHISTORAinil actantafqaafuft: 1
fara scafarani 15 09hEfe Tat it p. 179, BSS.