BS. AL. P. No. 32-aara: (Kavya) by Kalidasa with the
two commentaries, Prakâsika of Aruna. girinâtha and Vivarana of Narayana
Pandita (Part II, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sargas) 2 8 0 No. 33--K E : (Vyakarana) with the com
mentary Dipaprabhâ of Nârâyana. 0 8 0 No. 34-foreta: (Erykte:) (Nyâya) by Râja
chūdāmanimakhin. 1 4 0 No. 35--Alorare: (88417ms:) (Nyâya) by Gopi.
1 8 0 No. 36- ARHITE: (Kavya) by Kalidasa with the
two commentaries, Prakâsikâ of Aru. nagirinâ tha and Vivarana of Narayana
Pandita (Part III. 6th, 7th & 8th Sargas). 3.0 0 No. 37-errattung** (Smriti) by Vararuchi with
commentary. 0 4 0 No. 38mmergara (Kosa) by Amarasimha
with the commentary Tikâsarvasva of Vandyaghatiya Sarvânanda (Part I. Ist
Kânda). 200 No. 39-41 (Nataka) by Bhasa.
0 12 0 No. 40—37**KEETH (Alankâra) by Râjânaka Sri
Ruyyaka with the Alankârasarvaswa of Sri Mankhuka and its commentary by
Samudrabandha. 2 8 0 No. 41- chucent (Kalpa) by Apastamba with
Vivarana of Sri Sankara Bhagavat Pada. 0 4 0 No. 42-farra (Nâtaka) by Bhâsa. . 180 No. 43—THINKAH (Koea) by Amarasimha
with the two commentaries, Amarakosodghatana of Kshiraswamin and Tikasarvabwa of Vandyaghatîya Sarvananda
(Part II. 2nd Kanda 1-6 Vargas) 2 8 0