RS, AS. P. No. 14-fiftere: (Niti) by Kâmandaka, with the
commentary of Sankarârya. 3 8 0 No, 15-F TAGNE (Nâtaka) by Bhâsa.
(Second Edition). i 8 0 No. 16-mariterra (Nataka) by Bhâsa. 180 No. 17-
Do. Do. Too No. 18-Apreuten (Stuti) by Nârâtyana Bhatta
with the commeutary of Desamangala
Vârya. 4 00
No. 19- Arraia: (Mimamsa) by Narayana
Blatta and Narayana Panditul. 1 4 0 No. 20—latra (Nataka) by Bhâsa. 180 No. 21 maraftat Do. Do.
1 0 0 No. 22-Aparala-gaalitaaditaa-40*4rifuga
(Nâtaka) by Bhâsa. 1 8 0 No. 23-araleloarim: (kosa) by Kesavaswâmin
(Part I. 1st & 2nd Kandas). 1 12 No. 24-iharrema: (Kavy :) by Chakrakavi. No. 26–- Stagira (Nyâya) by Ganga
dharasůri. 0 12 0 No. 26-
(Nâtaka) by Bhâsa. 0 12 0 No. 27-41919: (Kavya) by Kalidasa with
the two commentaries, Prakâsika of Arunagirinatha and Vivarana of Nara
yana Pandita (Part I. 1st & 2nd Sargas). 1 12 0 No. 28_ETTAN: (Dharmasätra) by Vikhanas. 0 8 0 No. 29-Aramaiorarcista: (Kosa) by Kesavaswâmin
(Part II. 3rd Kânda) 2 4 0 No. 30--aregfaren (Silva).
0 120 No. 31-iaruitsadreta: (Kosa) by Kesavaswamin
(Part III. 4th, 5th & 6th Kândas). 1 0 0