(1) T' says "sia alla garanti A r ia: gogorar; and so reads T: 4410
शास्त्रं न्यायप्रवेशो नाम महाचार्यदिड्नागकृतिः संपूर्णा" । (2) Commenting upon the introductory verse of bis Pramāņauamuccays which contains the lines :
"प्रमाणसिद्धयै स्वनिबन्धवृन्दतः'
करिष्यते विप्रमृतं समुच्चितम् ॥" (u) Diünāga saya in his vrtti "......
F r igRilen (= Haz ) allery Salura a4 etapan: II" () Again, Jinendrabuddhi, commenting on the same in his Vis'ālā
malavati, says:--bit ait arajat: I ufen 19a
( = Na )-rafarta RM1 Ariela 1" (c) And the same writer says a little further on: " aapat न्यायद्वारादिः (न्यायप्रवेशादिः) प्रमाणनिर्भयप्ररूपणरहितः । तथाहि । तत्र 'प्रत्यक्षं
anatafuta stere 1914 (N. Pr Skt. p. 7, 1, 13) SRBI a (K
तस्माद् द्विचन्द्रादिज्ञानमपि प्रत्यक्षमेव प्रसज्यते ।"
Note-Pandit Vidhushekhara equates 6271987" with 14 in the above extracts on the strength of a note in the colophon of T (pp. 28-29) that "in a Chinese book it is seen as Nyayapraves'a while in Tibet it is now known as Nyayadvara".
This equation however, does not seem justified. For, as pointed out by Dr. Tucci, "in the colophon to the Nyāyapraves'a, translated into Tibetan from the Chinese (Cordier, iii, p. 436), it is already said that this work must not be identified with the Nyāyamukha ( Dr. Tucci's reading for Nyāyadvārs] which is quoted in the commentary on the Pramāņa(samuccaya).". The note in the colophon of T to which Pandit Vidhachekbara refers should, therefore, be explained in some such way as this, that the Tibetans had not seen either the Nyāyadvāra or the Nyāyapraves'a, and had heard only of the former, and consequently when they saw Nyayapraves'a they thought that it was the same as Nyāyadvāra. (3) There are references to Dinnāga's logical tenets in Kumārila's
S'lokavārtika some of which are traceable, almost verbatim, to the Nyāyapraves's, a few of these being expressly attribated to Dirnāga by Parthasārathimis'ra, the commentator of the
S'lokavārtika. These are as follows :(a) ale un ATA sauna--S'l-vārt (Anu-P, 60)
ferta salata l à i antara alfa-Pārtbagarathi.