Now compare the illustration of salaria in the Nyāyapravea'a:
प्रत्यक्षविरुद्धो यथा अश्रावणः शब्द इति (b) pane at ara: 1 qu * HA-S’l-pārt (Anu-P, 63a)
Compare Fagara F2 FIAT alfa (N. Pr P.2, 11 17,18). Note-The commentator of the S'lokavārtika does not say that the passage the S'l-vārt is taken from or found in any of the
works of Dinnāga. (c) Talalahad siga aylanti
# Tazama gaanaa aaa 1 S'l-vārt (Anu-P, 645,65 a) Compare isīt a 7:—found in Ch and T of the N. Pr., but not in T or the Skt. text where the illustration is " gatifit: 90
Special than". (d) The last illustration-ylaatit:$916 etc.-occurs in Pärthagārathi
mis’rā's commentary with the only difference that yg is omitted, which makes no difference in sense. This is given in the Nyāyapraves'a as an illustration of shares Note.--In Pārthasarathi's commentary it is introduced with the words य एव तु श्रुतिस्मृतिविरुद्धोऽर्थः प्रतिज्ञायते" and is regarded as a case of 'आगमबाध', and not 'लोकविरुद्ध' (सर्वलोकप्रसिद्धिविरुद्ध as it is called there) as supposed by Pandit Vidhushekhara. The learned scholar seems to have been misled by the printing in the Chowkhamba edition of the Commentary on the S'lokaVārtika where the passage on 'आयमबाध' beginning with “य एव तु
etc." has been mixed up with the paragraph on alalan. (e) qitrazi ahadat yanarayaifeaua S’l-vārt (Anu-P, 105 a)
Compare preparez: der TeleTAIFAUFTI (anea omitted in T N. Pr.) which is given as an illustration of c analar tama
(a variety of Paris ) in the Nyāyāpraves'a.
Of these, as pointed out by Dr. Tucci, (a) and (c) are found also in the Nyāyadvāra (=Nyāyamukba as it is called by Dr. Tucci), and so drop out of the argument altogether; (b), (d) and (e) occur in the Nyāyapraves'a but not in the Nyāyadvāra, which, however, does not prove that they have been drawn from the Nyāyapraves'a. The name of the fallacy of (b) occurs in the Nyāya. dvāra (=Nyāyamukha of Tucci) though not the illustration, which although found in the Nyāyapraves'a need not have been drawn from it.