P. 106, 1. 31
P. 101, 1. 3. HAFø...mafa. Is this a quotation? It occurs on p. 115, 1. 19.
P. 101, 1. 8. Mahånasa' means a kitchen, and even 'anas' a homonym means the same. Thus the adjective mahat'l is here superfluous. A parallel instance is furnished by the word 'mahendra'. The Païya equivalent 'mahānasa' occurs in Nāyadhammakahā (1,8), Gahasatiasai (v. 13) etc.
P. 101, I. 29. Valmika, a homonym, here means an ant-bill. (Guj. Tret). This word occurs on p. 112, 1. 11 and in ileghadūta (I, 15). Its Päjya equivalent 'vammin' is met with in Süyagada (II, 1, 26).
P. 103, 11. 6-7. For refutation see p. 108, 11. 12-13.
P. 104, 1. 3. S'akramūrdhan' means an ant-hill, and thus it is & synonym of 'valmika'.
P, 106, 1. 3. Vidhyāpita' means extinguished. How this form is arrived at is a matter where scholars difler.
(i) In Siddhal.cmuacandro (VIII, 2, 28) we have the sutra viz, u ”. This is explained in the svopajña com. as under :
__ "इन्धौ धातौ संयुक्तस्य झा इत्यादेशो भवति । समिज्झाइ । विज्झाई".
This suggests that all is derived from the Samskrta root on with Its causal will be Asana. The Samskrt equivalent of it is the basis in 'vidhyāpita'.
(i) Some derive विज्झाव = विज्झन from विध्यापयू, the Samskxta root being tay with the preposition fà.
(iii) Some suggest that fasula is derived from fat#144, the Saṁskṛta root being , with the preposition fà.
(iv) Some believe that faz2194 is a Sanskritization of the Pāiya fesh; for, if we leave aside the Juinc Samskřtų literature, no form of fara is to be found. In this connection I may say that I, too, have not come across any form of it in non-Jaina Samskrta literature. In the Join literature, the oldest examples where 'vidhyāpita' occurs, is Kalyanomandirastotra of Siddhasena Divăkara. If this authorship can be proved to be wrong, the present instance occurring in AJP is the oldest. Some of the Pāžya forms are found ag under :fa137-Näyüdhammalcola (1,1; p. 66 & I, 14; p. 190); Paümci
cariya (V, 182 ). fagfo-Puümacariya (LXXVIII, 37).
Gahisattasca ( v. 430 ).
1 Wabat' compounded with the word 'brähmasa'implios copsure. Cf.
___ "शखे तैले तथा मांसे वैये ज्योतिषिके द्विजे ।
यात्रायां पथि निद्रायां महच्छब्दो न दीयते॥" 2 For other examples seo my Samskrta intro. (pp.32-33) to Bhaktã.
mara, Kalyānamandira and Namiūņa,