hemistich the author's advice to the reader. In v. 11 three characteristics of a hetu acceptable to the Bauddha school of logic are mentioned. Therein the word pakşadharmatva deserves to be noted. Jinavijaya in his Hindi article “ERHAFTET parautz" (p. 36). says that this technical term is not found in any earlier work of any school of logic, though a phrase suggesting the same idea is met with. But this is incorrect; for, it occurs in Pramānavārtika (v. 3) of Dharmakīrti and even in Nyāyaprøvesaka (p. 1). of Sankarsvānin (?)
Verses 5 (second hemistich) to 8 occur in this very order in Jinasena's Adipurana (parvan V) as v. 42–45. These may be originally belonging to some Bauddha work.
Verse 20 occurs in Nyuyamañjari (p. 129) of Jayanta Bhatta?. In the errata of Pramānamīmārsā, its source originally mentioned as șaddarsanasamuccaya is replaced by Nyāyamañjari. So it is a suggestion that this v. 20 is quoted from Nyayamañjari. Mahendrakumāra, too, holds this very view as can be seen from his intro. to Nyāyakumudacandra (Vol. II, p. 38). Further, on pp. 16 & 38 he has suggested that the life-limit of Haribhadra should be extended upto 810 A. D.; for, in his opinion Nyāyamañjarī was composed in about 800 A. D. at Kashmir. I am not in a position to form any definite opinion at present. But I may say that a question may be raised: if v. 20 which has its two hemistiches tallying with the second hemistiches of two verses of Nyāyamañjari (p. 117, Kashi Samskrit Series, No 106) is really extracted from Nyāyamañjari, why are the first hemistiches dropped? Is it not possible to believe that in Nyāyamañjari, two verses are quted and not one as in șaddarsanasamuccaya?
Verse 72 is quoted in Nyāyakumudacandra (p. 505). This verse fairly tallies with one in Kamalaśīla's Pañjikā (p. 450) on Śäntarakṣita’s* Tattvasangraha. The original source may be some old work of the Jaiminīya school.
1 He is also known as Jaran-naiyāyika'. He is an author of
Nyāyakalika, toc. He is assigned a period of 760 A, D, to 840 A.D.
in the intro. (p. 16) to Nyāyakumudacandra (Vol. II). 2 “गम्भीर गर्जितारम्भनिभिन्नगिरिगह्वराः । रोलम्बगवलव्यालतमालमलिनविषः ॥
sarakgarn Fagt: 1 ig safrazrate a 914: 99159: ?" 3 His life-period is about 713 A. D. to 763 A. D. 4 Bis date is usually supposed to be 705 A. D. to 782 A. D.