वस्तुनोऽन्तरं सत्ता कस्यचिद् या नियोगतः । सा तत्फलं मता सैव भावोत्पत्तिस्तदात्मिका ॥ २९७ ॥ असदुत्पत्तिरप्यस्य प्रागसत्वात् प्रकीर्तिता। नासतः सत्त्वयोगेन कारणात् कार्यभावतः ॥ २९८ ॥" "स्वयं रागादिमान् नार्थ वेत्ति वेदस्य नान्यतः । न वेदयति वेदोऽपि वेदार्थस्य कुतो गतिः ? ॥ ६०४ ॥ तेनाग्निहोत्रं जुहुयात् स्वर्गकाम इति श्रुतौ । खादेत् ख(त् श्व)मांसमित्येष नार्थ इत्यत्र का प्रमा? ॥६०५॥" "अन्यथा दाहसम्बन्धाद् दाहं दग्धोऽपि मन्यते ।
अन्यथा दाहशब्देन दाहार्थः सम्प्रतीयते ॥ ६६७ ॥" "दग्धे बीजे यथाऽत्यन्तं प्रादुर्भवति नाकुरः।
कर्मबीजे तथा दग्धे न रोहति भवाकुरः ॥ ६९३ ॥" Of these v. 269, 270, 604 and 605 are taken from Dharmakirti's Pramūnavārtika, the corresponding numbers being I, 279 ; 1,280 ; I, 319; and I, 320. There are variants e.g. न तस्य for न तत्र in I, 279; भवतीति न for भवतीत्यपि in I, 280 and खादेच्छ्वमांस for: खादेत् ख(त् च)मांस in I, 320. As regards v. 296-298, at least the latter half of v. 296 is attributed to Sāntarakṣita. I do not find any of these verses in Tattvascrgraha. So, if they are not really there, they inay be from some other work of his' or from a work of his name-sake.
Verse 667 is the same as v. 425 of Vickyapadiya (11), with this difference that there we have “अन्यथैवाग्निसम्बन्धाद्" as the first foot. Verse 693 is a quotation from the Bhūsya (Vol. II, p. 319) on TS (X,7). Verse 666 is also perhaps u quotation. Verses 367, 508, 509, 513, 515, 516, 517, 518, 666, 667 and 670 occur in AJP on p. 56 of Vol. II, p. 132 (I), p. 133 (I), p. 297 (I), p. 71 (I), p. 72 (I), p. 72 (I), p. 72 (1), p. 396 (I), p. 396 (I) and p. 402 (I), while v. 246, 316, 317, 332 and 422 occur in the com. on AJP on pp. 134 & 190 of Vol. II, p. 263 (I), p. 263 (I), p. 233 (I) & p. 502 (II) and p. 257 (I).
____ In v. 583 we have the latter half as “प्रमाणपञ्चकावृत्तेस्तत्राभावप्रमाणता". This seems to be an echo of the following verse occurring in Kumārila's Mimarscāslokavārtika (p. 473):
- "प्रमाणपञ्चकं यत्र वस्तुरूपे न जायते ।
वस्तुसत्तावबोधार्थ तत्राभावप्रमाणता ॥" ... 1..For the list of his works see "Foreword” (pp. XX-XXIII) to