P. 79, 1. 231
In An Introduction to Logic (pp. 172–179) H. W. B. Josepk says:
"Hence we must accept the negative Judgment as expressing the real limitation of things; but we must allow that it rests upon and presupposeg the afirmative.... "The reciprocal exclusiveness of certain attributes and modes of being is the real truth underlying negation. But for that, everything would be everything else; that is as positive, as these several modes of themselves."
John Caird observes in An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (p. 219) as under:
"Nor, again, can you reach this unity merely by predication or afirma tion, by asserting, that is, of each part or member that it is and what it in On the contrary, in order to apprehend it, with your thought of what it is you must inseparably connect that also of what it is not. You cannot determine the particular number or organ save by reference to that which is its limit or negation. It does not exist in and by itself, but in and through what is other than itself... It can exist only as it donies or gives up any separate self identical being and life-only as it finds its life in the larger life and being of the whole. You cannot apprehend its true nature under the category of Being alono, for at every moment of its existence it at once is and is not; it is in giving up or losing itself; its true, being is in ceasing to be. Its notion includes negation as well as affirmation."
P. 76, 1. 29. Sautra' means pertaining to 'sütra'. Here it means the text viz, AJP.
P. 78, 1. 30. Ksayopas'ama' means partial destruction and partial subsidance. This word occurs in Vol. II on p. 225, 1. 7 and the word kṣāyopas'amika' in Vol. II on p. 218, I. 12.
P. 79, II. 5-6. For refutation see pp. 80-82. P. 79, 11. 6-7. For refutation see p. 82, II. 8-9. P. 79, 1. 7 & p. 80, 11. 3-4. For refutation 899 p. 83.
P. 79, 1. 23. If ong is suffering from jaundice, everythingeveni & white conch, appears as yellow. In this connection Rāmānujācārya observes in his S'ribhäşya (p. 187) on Brahmasutra (I, i, 1):
"#arent galdkonan 1977*74: ITBA: 1 oo गतपीतिमाऽमिभूतः शलगतशुचिमा न गृह्यते । अतः सुवर्णानुलिप्तशतवत् पीतः शङ्ख इति प्रतीयते । पित्तद्रन्य तद्वतपीतिमा चातिसूक्ष्मतया पावस्थैर्न गृह्यते, पित्तोपहतेन तु खनयननिष्क्रान्ततयाऽतिसामीप्यात् सूक्ष्ममापि
1 "It is tautological to say that the cold is cold; to say that it is not
hot because it is cold informs us that hot and cold are mutually exclusive attributos. Cold is no more identical with not-hot, than odd with not-oven; though the numbers which are odd are the same
numbers as are not even." - An Introduction to Logic (p. 172) 2 This is the page-number of the edition published by T. Sridirāsu
Sarma in A. D. 1916 along with Srutaprakāśikā.