This work seems to be none else but one noted by Sankarācārya in his com. (P. 33 ) on S'vetasvatara Upanişad.
On my making an inquiry about Sivadharmottara Mr. P. K. Gode has informed me in his private communication dated 31-8-43 as under:
“S'ivacharna appears to be a part of Nandikesvaratsamhita. Sivadharmottara is the sequel of Sivadharma. It is quoted by Hemādri, by Mādhavācārya and by Raghunandana in Ähnikatosttva and by Vitastāpurī.”
Syadvadabhanga This work is mentioned in the com. (p. 84) of AJP. Its author is Divakara.
Haribhadra not a Caityavásin • In Jineśvara Sûri's com. (p. 92a) to Aştakaprakarana (XXVII, 7) it is mentioned that it is heard that at the time of taking meals at noon, Haribhadra used to get food distributed to mendicants gathered near his place on hearing the sound of & conch blown at that time. We learn the same thing from & verse of Somaprabha Sūri's Satcekat. Such a type of behaviour is inconsistent with the life of : Jaina Sadhu. So some persons depending upon this episode surmize that our author was a taityavāsin. This is what we can never believe in the case of our author, when Jineśvara Sūri on p. 32a says that this is not possible as Haribhadra is samvignapāksiko, and especially when he has denounced in ringing terms the undesirable action of the caityavāsins in Sambohapayarance and has advocated vasatinivasa.
It is a pleasant feature to note that this is a misrepresentation of the real fact is borne out by Bhadreśvara's Kahāvnli. We learn therefrom that it was Lalliga?, a Jaing layman who
1 See Anandāśrama-Samskyta-granthāvali No. 17. 2 This may remind one of the Küladhamayas mentioned in Viya
hapannatti (XI, 9, s. 417), They used to blow a conch-shell on a
river-bank when they were taking meals. 3 This Lalliga as suggested in Kahāvala was an unclo to Virabhadrag
and was extremely poor. So he once dosired to renounce the world and be a disciple of Haribhadra. Our author hopover did not comply with his request and indirectly suggested to him to buy the goods recently come to the market. Lalliga did so and made a good