Väkyapadiya (the text-cum-vitti) and in this com. Vrsabhadeva considers Vākyapadiya as containing both the karikās (text) and prose vrtti on them by Bhartphari. Mammata has quoted in his Kavyaprakasa( II, 3 Jurtti (p. 13, Gajendragadkar's edn.) and in S'abdavyāpārcevicāra (p. 1, Nir, edn.) a prose passage from Vakyapadiya. This is not to be found in Bhartshari's vrtti on the first two kāndas which is available. So it is inferred by K. M. Sarma' that it belongs to Bhartrhari's stii on the thiru kandi.
Two verses from Vākyapadiya ( I, v. 125 & 124, pp. 46-47 of the edition printed in Benaras in 1884 A. D.) are quoted in AJP (Vol. I, p. 366), and its author's name BhartȚhari is specifically mentioned in its com. (Vol. I, p. 366). Further, the first foot of the following verse of kanda I (P. 32 ) is quoted in the svopajña com. on AJP (Vol. I, p. 387) along with the name of Bhartrhari:
"TYISTIE: si HICold 378721, 7 g Salt: santa fa unat (2)
Vaxavadatta A work of this name or rather å story of Vasavadattā is noted by Patañjali but I do not think that it is this work that is mentioned by Haribhadra. Most probably he refers to Subandhu's work of the same name.
Sivadhamottare In Astakaprokarana (IV, 2) there is mention of a work named Sivadharmottara. This is what we learn from the following line occurring in its com. (p. 21b) by Jinesvara Sūri :
"शिवधर्मोत्तरे शिवधर्माभिधाने पराभिमते शैवागमविशेषे.” So the statement of Jinavijaya that this is a name of a Brāhmaṇa is erroneous. This mistake has been committed by some who followed him. Later on, Jinavijaya in his Hindi article (p. 36) on the same subject has corrected this mistake, though it is once more repeated in the same article on p. 44.
1 Vide his article “Gleanings from the commentaries of the Vaky &
padiya" (p. 409) published in the Annals of the BORI, Silver
Jubilee Volume. 2 Vide his Sanskrta article (p. 12 ) dealing with the date of Hari
bhadra Sūri.