Rs. A. 6. Lingānuśäsana ( TRF) : on Grammar, by Vāmana,
who lived between the last quarter of the 8th century and the first quarter of the 9th century: edited by C. D. Dalal, 1918, pp. 9+24
Out of print. 7. Vasantavilāsa (29fagie): an historical poem
(Mahākávya) (lescribing the life of Vastupāla and the history of Guzerat. by Bālachaurusūri (from Modheraka or Modhera in Kadi Prant, Baroda State), contemporary of Vastupāla, composed after his death for his son in Samvat 1296 (A.D. 1240): edited by C.D. Dalal, 1917, pp. 16+114+6 ..
Out of print. 8. Rūpakasatka ( UF): six dranias by Vatsarāja,
minister of Paramardideva of Kalinjara, who lived between the 2nd half of the 12th and the 1st quarter of 13th century: edited by C. D. Dalal, 1918, pp. 12+ 191
Out of print. 9. Mohaparājaya (#16994): an allegorical drama de.
scribing the overcoming of King Moha (Temptation), or the conversion of Kumārapala, the Chalukya King of Guzerat, to Jainism, by Yasahpāla, an officer of King Ajayadeva, son of Kumārapala, who reigned from A.D. 1229 to 1232: edited by Yuni Chaturvijayaji with Introduction and Appendices by C. D. Dalal, 1918, pp. 32+135-+20 ..
.. Out of print. 10. Harmiramadamardana ( TECH): a drama glorify.
ing the two brothers, Vastapāla and Tejalıpāla, and their King Viradhavala of Dholka, by Jayasimhasūri, pupil of Virasūri, and an Acārya of the teinple of Munisuvrata at Broach, composed between Samvat 1276 and 1286 or A.D. 1220 and 1239: edited by C. D. Dalal, 1920, pp. 15+98
2-0 11. Udayasundarīkathā (vairiai): a romance (Campū,
in prose and poetry} by Soddhala, a contemporary of and patronised by the three brothers, Chohittarāja, Nāgārjuna, and Mummuộirāja, successive rulers of Konkan, composed between A.D. 1026 and 1050 : edited by C. D. Dalal and Pandit Embar Krishnamacharya, 1920, pp. 10-4-158 +-7
2-4 12. Mahavidyāvidambana ( feafas ): a work on
Nyāya Philosophy, by Bhatta Vādindra who lived about A.D. 1210 to 1274: edited by M. R. Telang, 1920, pp. 44-189+7
2-8 13. Prācinagurjarakāvysangraha ( aita ): a
collection of old Gujarati poems dating from 12th to 15th centuries A.D. : edited by C. D. Dalal, 1920, PP. 4400
. . .
. 2-4 14. Kumarapalapratibodha (HTTggafat): a bio
graphical work in Praksta, by Somaprabhâchārya, composed in Samvat 1241 or A.D. 1195 : edited by Muni Jinavijayaji, 1920, pp. 72+478