Sylvain Levi : The Gaekwad's Series is standing
at the head of the many collections now published in India.
Asiatic Review, London: It is one of the best
series issued in the East as regards the get up of the individual volumes as well as the able editorship of the series and separate works.
Presidential Address, Patna Session of the Oriental
Conference: Work of the same class is being done in Mysore, Travancore, Kashmir, Benares, and elsewhere, but the organisation at Baroda appears to lead.
Indian Art and Letters, London: The scientific
publications known as the “ Oriental Series " of the Maharaja Gaekwar are known to and highly valued by scholars in all parts of the world.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, London:
Thanks to enlightened patronage and vigorous management the "Gaekwad's Oriental
Series" is going from strength to strength. Sir Jadunath Sarkar, Kt.: The valuable Indian
histories included in the “Gaekwad's Ori. ental Series" will stand as an enduring monument to the enlightened liberality of the Ruler of Baroda and the wisdom of his advisers.
The Times Literary Supplement, London: These
studies are a valuable addition to Western learning and reflect great credit on the editor and His Highness.