"पंचसए पणसीए विकमभूवाउ झत्ति अत्थमिओ। हरिभद्दसरिसूरो धम्मरओ देउ मुक्खपहं ॥ ५३२ ॥ पणपञ्चदससएहिं हरिसूरी आसि तत्थऽपुवकवी ।
तेरसरिससएहिं अहिएहि वि बप्पहट्टिपह ॥ ५३३ ॥"
From v. 532 it follows that Haribbadra died in Saṁvat 585, and from the next that he was alive in Vira Samvat 1055 (Samyat 585). It seems that in some Mss., we have fourcing instead of quring. But the reading this is however accepted by Kulamaņdana Sūri in his Vicarūmrtasargraha and by Dharmasāgara Upādhyāya in his Tapāgacchapattūrali. Moreover, in one of the palm-leaf MSS. of Laguksetrasamusavrtti we find the following verses, which, too, seem to support it:
"लघुक्षेत्रसमासस्य वृत्तिरेषा समासतः । रचिताऽबुधबोधार्थ श्रीहरिभद्रसूरिभिः ॥ पञ्चाशीतिक(५८० वर्षे विक्रमतो व्रजति शुक्लपञ्चम्याम् ।
(+)24 34917 geeth #(?)#29 II"
Gunaratna Sūri, in his colophon (v. 15) of Kriyaratna. samuccaya, refers to Mānadeva as the friend of Haribhadra. Munisundara Suri has expressed the same opinion in his Gurvāvali (v. 40). The pattävalis of the Añcala and Paurņamika gacchas, too, say the same thing. So these statements support the view that Haribhadra flourished in the sixth century of the Vikrama era.
In Haribhadra's commentary (p. 106 ) to Nandi we find that he says that the Pîrvas'rutce has not totally perished but the Pari. karmas etc. are entirely extinct. According to Viāhapannatti (xx, 8; sūtrą 678) the extinction of the Puvvas was to take place after one millennium from Lord Mahāvīra's nirvana. So, if we accept this date, it means that during the life-time of Haribhadra, the knowlege of the remaining one Puvva got perished. Two or three arguments have been advanced by Anandasāgara Süri in this connection. His Sanskrit introduction to Sustravürtāsainuccaya published with svopajic vịtti in A.. D. 1929 may be consulted. Furthermore, he has pointed out in his Samskrta introduction (pp. 1-2) to Pañcanatthuga that Haribhadra has flourished when