Version 002: remember to check http://www.AtmaDharma.com for updates
Mahavir Bhagwan preached religion for many years and spread the principles of Jainism far and wide. In the end he attained Nirvana (Moksh) from Pavapuri in the state of Bihar. Before attaining Nirvana he was Arihant (God with body); He is now Siddha (God without body). He attained Nirvana just before dawn on the fourteenth day of the decreasing moon of the lunar calendar month of Kartik. That day is celebrated by everyone as Dipawali. Today Mahavir Bhagwan is in Moksh, where he lives in complete happiness.
બાળકો, મહાવીર ભગવાનની જેમ તમે પણ આત્માને ઓળખો, રાગ-દ્વેષ ટાળો ને મોક્ષ પામો. Children, you should also obtain correct understanding of the Soul, remove emotions of likes and dislikes and attain Moksh like Mahavir Bhagwan.
Please inform us of any errors on rajesh@ AtmaDharma.com