He who renounces inclination to a thing causing attachment, renounces the thing causing attachment. He for whom there does not exist anything causing attachment, (he) alone is the knower (by whom ) spiritual path has been comprehended. Spiritual perversion and (three kinds of) coital attachments and similarly six kinds of vices such as laughter, etc. and four kinds of passions - all these are fourteen internal possessions Field, building, wealth and corn, any metal but silver and gold, utencils, two legged beings, four legged beings, vehicles and similarly beds for sleeping and carpets, etc. for sitting-all these are external passessions. The person destitute of all possessions is always tranquil and joyful. Even the emperor does not get at that final beatitude which the person distitute of all possesssions attains. Just as there is the iron hook for (controlling) the elephant and there is the moat for the protection of the city, so also the renunciation of possession is (useful) in restraining the senses and the restraint of senses is no doubt non-attachment
(12) Of Non-violence
The essence of being wise is really this that the wise person does not injure any being whatsoever The Jina (spiritually victorious), having known Ahimsā (non-voilence) and Samata (equanimity) so important, tells us this All the Jivas (beings) desire to live and not to die Selfrestraining persons, therefore, give up the distressful taking away of Prānas (vital forces) Thus, whatever mobile or immobile beings are there in the world, one should neither kill them nor make others to kill them deliberately or through carelessness
Coutal attachment of man to woman, coital attachment of woman to man and coital attachment to both
laughter, pleasure, displeasure, grief, fear and disgust * Angei, pride, deceit and greed
Samaņasuttam-Vol I
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