Jain Education International
The self is the doer of pleasure and pain and their non-doer also The self established in virtue is his own friend, and the self established in vice is his own enemy.
(Succinctly speaking), (we may say that) the unconquered self alone is (our own) enemy (Speaking in detail), (we may also say that) passions and sense-object-attachment are (our own) enemy Oh wise (one)' (therefore) (I), having conquered them in a proper way, dwell in the world of things and beings
One may conquer thousands by the thousands in a battle difficult to be conquered and the (other) one may conquer one's own self, (out of these two, the victory of the one who conquers one's own self is paramount.
What is the use of one's battling with the external (persons)? one should make battle (with internal attachment and aversion) in one's own self (The truth is that) having conquered one's own (attachment and aversion) in one's own self, one's happiness heightens.
(Though) verily, the self is difficult to be restrained, (yet) the self alone should be restrained (The reason is that) the self who has been restrained becomes happy in this world and the
The (my) self restrained by me through self-denial and austerity is better, but being curbed by others through imprisonment and violent attack, I am not better.
One should withdraw from one side and move to the other One should withdraw from self-unrestraint and move to self-restraint.
The instigator of vicious actions is attachment and aversion. The saint who always controls these two vices does not continue in transmigratory existance.
Just as the horses have been curbed by reins, so also by means of knowledge and meditation and also through the strength of austerity, the passions and sensual pleasures are strongly restrained.
Samanasuttam-Vol. I
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