If anybody is arrogant in bodily and vocal activity and is attached to wealth and (lustful) women (or men), he gathers the Karmic filth from both the sides, as the young serpent gathers the soil (from both the sides-mouth and body) Neither relations, nor kindreds, nor friends, nor sons share hıs (man's) suffering. He himself alone experiences suffering (True it is that Karma (Karmic bondage) follows the door only (When men) choose the Karma ( action for Kärmic bondage) (they are free; but in the rise of that (bound) Karma, (thev) become dependent, (as when one ) climbs a tree, one is free, (but when) one falls from it, one becomes dependent (choiceless). (Somewhere) the Jivas are subject to Karmas (psycho-physical impurities and somewhere Karmas are subject to Jivas, (as) somewhere the money-lender is powerful and somewhere the debtor is powerful. By reason of general Karmaness (possessed by the Karmas) Karma is of one kind Again, Karma is also of two kinds Dravya (material) Karma and Bhāva (psychical) Karma The collection of Kārmic material particles is Dravya (material) Karma and its (psychical) force is Bhāva (psychical) Karma Having been the conqueror of senses and the like, the person who meditates on the soul-consciousness is not coloured by Karmas (if this is so) why the Prāņas( vital limiting forces) will follow him ? Knowledge-obscuring and intuition-obscuring Karma, feeling-producing and delusion-producing Karma, and likewise longevity-determining, body-making and status-determining Karma and likewise obstruction-generating Karma-all these are the eight Kinds of Karmas (psycho-physical impurities) in brief. Just as the functions of curtain, door-keeper, sword, wine, wooden fetter, painter, potter and treasurer have been known, so also know the functions of these (eight) Karmas respectively
1) Just as the curtain obstructs the knowledge of things inside the room, so also the knowledge-obscuring Karma obstructs the expression of knowledge 2) Just as a
Samaņasuttam-Vol. I
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