Which Sramana ( saint) remains in what mental state is difficult to be known in an authentic manner. The Sramana (saint) who is already established in conduct is alone preached from the Vyavahāranaya (empirical standpoint) So all the Nayas (standpoints) which have been limited by their own exclusive view-point are expressive of unauthentic views. But Nayas which have depended on one another are expressive of authentic nature of things.
That which is knowledge, etc. is duty. That duty is right as a general rule and an exception (made in certain specific situations) to the general rule of duty is also right. If an individual performing the duty goes in that way then, for him that duty as well as all other duties become meaningful, (since they occasion the fruit of Ahimsā (non-violence) and Samatā (equanimity).
(5) Of Transmigration
In this world which is mysterious, extensive, distressful, perishable and impermanent, (let me know) which indeed is that action by the performance of which I may not transmigrate to the defiled state of existence?
Sensuous pleasures are undoubtedly the mine of misfortunes (They) are pleasureful for a moment, (and) painful for a long time, (they) are much painful (and) very little pleasureful, (they) are opposed to the pleasures of the world and happiness of liberation
Just as in the plantain tree there is no where any substance (stem to be seen) in spite of its being searched well, so also there is no (experience of) happiness in sensuus objects even if it has been investigated thoroughly
Jain Education International
Enlightened persons proclaim even the long lasting pleasure of the lord of gods and men to be suffering, since that is uneven and impermanent in outcome. So, it is of no use
Just as an itchy (person) scratching himself regards that suffering (caused by itching) as pleasure, so also the infatuated persons consider suffering caused by desire to be pleasure
Samaṇasuttam-Vol I
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