One should avoid litigation, shun the business of counterfeit things, avoid false balance and false measures (One should also avoid) things fetched for one's own self through theiving along with one's contact with the thief, and also avoid that sovereignty which is hostile to one's own country One should abstain from sexual association with the married woman (or man) and with unmarried woman (or man) along with all other licentious women ( or man) and also abstain from all kinds of amorous play. One should also avoid the activity of other person's mating (without having any obligation to do so) along with the desire for lustfulness Persons should keep away from the unlimited possession which is born of endless desires, which is fraught with many evils and which is the road to hellish existence. The person whose mind has really become unsullied should not commit the transgression of the limit of field etc., gold etc , two legged animals etc., and of any metal (but silver and gold) The person should be content with the limited acquisition (which has been voluntaily accepted). We should not think in this way that at this time a little limit of acquisition has been accepted and we shall have more when the need arises That which is refrainment from (unlimited movement in ) any direction (Disaviratı, that which is refrainment from wanton activity (Anarthadandavirati), that which is refrainment from going to some region (Dešāvakašika) all of them are styled Gunavratas' (vows of withdrawal). The setting of limits in the upward, downward and horizontal dırctions has been proclaimed to be the first Guņavrata (vow of withdrawal) (known as Dišavirati) This has been certainly included by Lord Mahavira in the householder's way of life. In the region where there is present the cause of the breach of vows, when the refrainment from resorting to that region is practised as a rule, then, that (refrainment) has been proclaimed to be (Dešāvakäsika) Guņavrata ( vow of withdrawal)
Samaņasuttam-Vol. I
Jain Education International
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