Answer: There is no fear of that happening, since the number of bhavya souls is infinite (ananta) like that of future time. Being infinite this number is inexhaustible even when an equal number is deducted from it. Moreover, past time and future time are equal in extent. Although the number of the bhavyas is infinite (ananta), only an nth part of that number (which is also infinite) has attained liberation in the past and a similar number of them will become siddhas in the future, 1
Question: How can it be established that the number of bhavyas is infinite and yet only an nth part of them will attain moksa ?2
Answer: It is established on the analogy of time (i.e. the extent of time and bhavyas is inexhaustible). Or rather you should accept this as true because it is my word, the word of an omniscient (sarvajña) being, like the findings of an impartial arbiter who knows the facts.3
Question: If as you maintain, some bhavya souls will never attain salvation, what good is their bhavyatva ? Surely, they are to be considered abhavyas ?4
Answer: By the term bhavya is meant a soul who is capable (yogya) of attaining liberation; the term is not restricted only to souls who actually attain liberation. Having the potentiality alone does not guarantee its realization, as the latter depends upon the co-ordination of favourable conditions. Take, for
yasmāc câtītānāgatakalau lulyāv eva, yataś catitenapr kälenarka eva nigod anantatamo bhāgo dyapi bhavyānām siddhah, es yatapi bhavis yatkalena tavan mätra eva bhavyanantabhāgah sıddhim gacchan yukto ghatamanakah, na hinādhikah, bhavis yato ' kalasyätitatulyatvättata evam api sati na sarvabhavyānām ucchedo yuktah, sarvenäpi kälena tadanantabhāgasyaiva siddhigamanasambhavopadarśanátVivaraņa 1828 Vivarana 1829 Ibid. 1830 cd. 1831 Ibid, 1833
3. 4.
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