made from from it, say a bracelet, it is produced as a bracelet and it will be known as a bracelet. When that bracelet is mel ted at the time of preparing another ornament, the form that it assumed at the time of preparing a bracelet is now destroyed, and when a new ornament, say a chain or another ornament is prepared, it is now produced as a chain or another ornament. At the time of preparing both the ornaments, gold is the original substance, and it remains stable as gold
Here, gold is a Dravya qon a substance, and the preparation of various ornaments from gold, is its Paryāya qafa Change in form. While preparing ornaments, its previous form is destroyed and it assumes a new fcrm, and yet gold remains stable as an original substance. Both these characteristic attributes exist to. gether. Dravya is the original substance, and Guņa yu Attribute; and Paryāya gafe-Change in form-are the common general properties of a substance. Dravya is stable; Paryāya is instable. Atua yu Attribute is the natural quality of a substance. Paryaya is the quality acquired in due course. This World, the Souls and Substance, are without a beginning and without an end. At the completion of time limit of the Bhava ** Existence, in which a soul is born as a Déva aa a Celestial being, a Manvaya Agh a human being, a Tiryanca farby a lower animal, or as a Nāraka arts a hellish being, in this Samsāra ATT, in accordance with his good or evil actions in previous life, the existence during that life ends and the Soul assumes another life. Birth as a god or a human being or a lower animal or as a hellish being is the Paryāya of a Soul During every existence of life Atmā At the Soul is always present. It is permanent and hence, all the souls, as a Dravya and also as a Paryāya, are permanent.
The Dikşā 1871 Initiation into the Order of Monks - of Indrabhūti Gautama took place under the following circumstances:
At the time, when śramana Bhagavān Mahāvīra; acquired
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