Vada }
also be admitted on account of the phala of the accumulation of highly meritorious deeds like tapas, dāna ets.
(6) The existence of gods is established by their very name viz "dévāh" (This will be explained in the following
(7) All the āgamas admit the existence of gods. 330-331॥ (1878-1879)
The epithet "dévaḥ" is then explained as follows: - -
देवति सत्ययमिदं सुद्धत्तणओ घडाभिहाणं त्र । अह व मई म चिय देवों गुण - रिद्धिसंपण्णणो ॥ ३३२ ॥ (१८८०)
तं न जर नच्चत्थे सिद्धे उवयारओ नया सिद्धी । जच्चत्थसीह सिद्धे माणव सीहोवयारो व्व ।। ३३३ ।। (१८८१ )
Deva tti satthayamidam suddhattaṇao ghaḍābhihāṇam vai Aha va mai manuu cciya dévo guya riddhi sampanno 3321 1880)
Tam na jau tacca siddhe uvayāro maya siddhi Taccatthasiha siddhé mānavasihovayāro vva ||13331 (1881)
[ देवा इति सार्थकमिदं शुद्धत्वतो घटाभिधानमिव ।
अथवा मतिर्मनुज एव देवो गुण - दिसंपन्नः ॥ ३३२ ॥ (१८८०)
तद् न यतस्तध्यार्थे सिद्ध उपचारतो मता सिद्धिः । तध्यार्थसिंहे सिद्धे माणवसिंहोपचार इव ।। ३३३ ॥ (१८८१)
Dèva iti sârthakamidam śuddhatvato ghaṭābhidhānamiva | Athavā matirmanuja eva devo gunar-ddhisampannah ||3321 (1880)
Tad na yatastathyarthe siddha upacarato matā siddhiḥ Tathyārthasimhe siddhe mānavasimhopacara iva 333
Trans - 332-333 Since the epithet déva " is clear like 'ghata", it is significant. Or, it might be believed that man
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