Jinabhadra Gani's
[The sixth
Mandzka:-Since Karma-pudgalas abandoned by jiva in a worn-out condition, stay on in this world (even in that state) why should the Soul separated from Karma, be believed to unite with the worn-out Karma, so that, it may be bound by a fresh bondage again ?
Bhagavāna:-Moksa being nitya, O Mandeka, will again be bound by a fresh bondage. 11291 (1839) #
The everlasting nature of mokṣa is apprehended as follows:—
सोsणवराहो व पुणो न बज्झए बंधकारणाभावा । जोगा य बंधहेऊ न य ते तस्सासरीरोति ॥ २९२ ॥ ( १८४० )
So'ņavarāho vva puņo na bajjhaé bandhakāraṇābhāvā | Joga ya bandha-héŭ na ya te tassasariro tti ||292" (1840)
[ सोऽनपराध इव पुनर्न बध्यते बन्धकारणाभावात् ।
योगाश्व बन्धहेतवो न च ते तस्याशरीर इति ॥ २९२ ॥ ( १८४० ) So'naparādha iva punarna badhyatè bandhakāraṇābhāvāt Yogāśca bandhahetavo na ca te tasyāśarira iti || 292 | ( 1840 ) ]
Trans. – 292 Like an innocent person, it 2. e. Soul) can never be bound (by bandhas) as there is no cause for bondage. On account of its formlessness, it has no cause for bondages. (1840)
टीका - स मुक्तो जीवः पुनरपि न बध्यते, बन्धकारणाभावात्, अनपराधपुरुषवत्, मनो- वाक्- काययोगादयश्च बन्धहेतवोऽभिधोयन्ते न च ते मुक्तस्य सन्ति शरीराद्यभावात् । न च कर्मवर्गणागत पुद्गलमात्र संयोगमात्ररूपise बन्धोऽधिक्रियते, अतिप्रसङ्गादिदोषाघातत्वात् किन्तु मिथ्यास्वादितद्धेतुनिबन्धन इति ।। २९२ ।। ( १८४० ) ॥
D. C. — In absence of (any) cause for (its ) bandha, like an innocent person, the Soul is free from bandha. Unions of mind, speech, and body etc. are nothing but the causes for
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