Jinabhadra Gani's
[The sixth Trans.--278 ( You may believe that ) like kharasringa, this is no (good ) example. But it is not so. That is nothing but bhāva distinguished by the non-production of ghata. ( 1826 )
टीका-स्याद मतिः परस्य-नन्वनुदाहरणमसो मागभावा, अभावरूपतयेवावस्तुत्वात, खरविषाणवत् । वन, यस्माद् भाव एवासौ घटपागमावा, तत्कारणभूतानादिकालमवृत्तपुरलसंघातरूपः, केवलं घटानुत्पत्तिमात्रेण विशिष्ट ॥ २७८ ॥ (१८२६)
D. C.---Mandika:--- Life kharasxiiga, previous non-existence cannot be taken as a right illustration, because like-kharasrșinga, it is non-existent on account of its abhāvarupată.
Bhagavānn: It is not so. The previous abhāva of ghata is itself bhāvz. The only difference found in it, is thāt, at this stage the production of ghata has not yet been brought about from the mass of earth, which has served as its karana from times imemmorial 11 277 ( 1826 ) 11 एवं भवघुच्छेओ कोडागारस्स वा अवचउत्ति। तं नाणंतत्तणओऽणागयकालं-बराणं व ॥ २७९ ।। (१८२७) Evam bhavavucchéo kotthāgārāssa vā avacau tti i Tam nānantattānao'nāgayakalam-barānam va ॥ 279 ॥ ( 1827 )
[एवं भव्योच्छेदः कोष्टागारस्येवापचय इति ।
तद् नानन्नत्वतोऽनागतकाला-डम्बरयोरिव ।। २७९ ॥ (१८२७) Evan bhavyocchédah koştāgārasyévāpacaya iti i Tad nānantatvato'nāgatakālā-mbarayoriva il 279 11 ( 1827 )]
Trans.-279 Similarly, it is not ( correct ) ( to believe ) the culmination of the auspicious to be similar to the diminution of granery on account of its ) endlessness, like the time to come or sky. ( 1827 )
टीका-नन्वेचं सति भव्योच्छेदः भन्यजीवः संसारः शून्यः पामोति,
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