Vada ] Gapadheravada
:147: जइ वा सव्वाभावो वीसुं तो किं तदंगनियमोऽयं । तस्समुदयनियमो वा अन्नेसु वि तो हबेजाहि ॥१०६॥ (१६५४) Jai vă savvābhāvo visum to kim tadanganiyamo'yami Tassanudayaniyamo vā annèsu vi to havėjjābi. 106 (1654) [यदि वा सर्वाभावो विष्वक् ततः किं तदङ्गनियमोऽयं ।
तस्समुदयनियमो वाऽन्येष्वपि ततो भवेत् ॥१०६॥ (१६५४) Yadi va sarvābhāvo visvak tataḥ kim tadanganiyamo'yami Tassamudayaniyamo vanydsvapi tato bhavdt. 106 (1654)]
Trans.-106 Or, if the power of intoxication were altogether absent from all ( the constituents of wine ) individually, how could they be called its divisions at all ? and why should there be any rule regarding its collection also? (For), in that case, it must be produced by means of (the collection of) other objects also. (1654)
टीका-यदि च मधाङ्गेषु पृथगवस्थायां सर्वथैव मदशक्यभावः, तर्हि कोऽयं तदङ्गनियमः कोऽयं धातकीकुसुमादीनां मद्याङ्गतानियमः, तत्समुदायनियमो वा-किमिति मद्यार्थी धातकीकुसुमादीन्येवान्वेषयति, तत्समुदाय किमपि नियमेन मीलयति ? इत्यर्थः, नन्वन्येष्वपि च भश्मा-इम-गोमयादिषु समुदितेषु मद्यं भवेदिति ॥१०६ ।। (१६५४)
D. C.-If the power of inoxication is denied to exist in the prithak avasthā of the constituents like dhātaki puspa eto., they cannot be called the constituents of wine at all. Again, if dhātaki puspa eto., has no power of intoxication at all, why should people desirous of wine, collect all the constituents like dhataki puspa in order to prepare wine and why do they not prepare wine by combining other objects like ashes. stones, cowdung, etc.? This clearly indicates that the Power of intoxication does exist in the individual state of constituents like dhātaki puspa eto., and as a result of that, it appears in wine which is the combined state of all swh constituents,
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