Vada ]
: 121:
? | अतः कर्मसिद्धावप्येतदपरमेव रन्ध्रं पश्यामः । भगवानाह - सौम्य ! यथा मूर्तस्य घटस्यामूर्तेन नभसा संयोगलक्षणः संबन्धस्तथाज्ञापि जीवकर्मणोः : । यथा वा द्रव्यास्याङ्गुलयादेः क्रिययाऽऽकुञ्चनादिकया सह समवायलक्षणः संबन्धः, तथाऽत्रापि जीव-कर्मणोरयमिति ।। ८७ ।। (१६३५)
D. C. --Agnibhūti-You have already asserted that Karman is mūrta. Now, how could this murta Karman be connected with the amurta jiva either by means of the samavāya relation or even by Samyoga? This is one more difficulty in the way of the accomplishment of Karman.
The Acārya- O blessed one ! just as, a murta ghata is connected with the amurta ākāśa by means of samyoga, and an object like finger is connected with kriyā like contraction by means of the samavaya relation, so, here also, Karman is connected with jiva.
The relation of jiva with Karman is proved in another
way :--
अहवा पञ्चकखं चिय जीवोवनिबंधणं जह सरीरं । चिट्ठइ कम्मयमेवं भवंतरे जीवसंजुत्तं ॥ ८८ ॥ (१६३६)
Ahava paccakkham ciya jivovanibandhaṇam jaha sariram | Citthai kammayamèvam bhavantare jivasanjuttam. ( 1636 )
[ अथवा प्रत्यक्षमेव जीवोपनिबन्धनं यथा शरीरम्
तिष्ठति कार्मणमेवं भवान्तरे जीवसंयुक्तम् ॥ ८८ ॥ (१६३६)
Athavā pratyakśamèva jivopanibandhanam yatha śarfram | Tisthati kārmanamevam bhavāntare jivasamyuktam. 88 (1636) ]
Trans.-88 Or, just as the (coarse) body, being percepti ble (to the senses ), is connected with the soul ( in this world), the Kārmaṇa body is connected with the soul in the next world. (1636) .
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