individuals, that is to say, they have prescribed (1) Sadhu Dharma (religious duties) for persons-males and females-who, having renounced all wordiy enjoyments, have adopted ascetic life, and who are desirous of attaining higher spiritual developments, and (2) Śrāvaka Dharma for persons (males and females) who are unable to leave off worldly desires, and who, remaining as house-holders in this world, can do a great deal for the welfare of their soul, by observing a few simple rules.
5. Sadhu Dharma Tlie vows to be taken by a Sãdhu at the time of initiation into an Order of Sädhus-for a male as well as for a female-are the following five Maha-vratas (Great Vows) viz-First VowSavvao Panaivayao Veramanam सव्वामो पाणाइवायाओ वेरमणं (Abstience from the killing of all amimals) 2. Second Vow-Savvão Musavyāo Veramanam सम्धामो मुसावायामो रमण (Abstinence from all kinds of telling lies-falsehood) 3. Third Vow Savvão Adinnádanao Veramanam सव्वाओ अदिनादानाओ वेरमणं (Abstinence from all kinds of taking away a thing that is not given by the owner) e-g theit, stealing etc. 4 Fourth Vow-Savvão Méhuņā Véramanam pamet donat aras (Abstinence from sexual intercourse of all kinds, and 5. Fifth Vow-Savvão Pariggahão Véramagam सम्वामओ परिगाहामो वेरमण (Abstinence from possession of all kinds of property.
These five are the Five Great Vuws of Ascetic Life. To these five Great Vows is added the vow of Savvão Rāi bhoyapão Veramanan सम्बाओ राइभोयणाओ वेरमण ( Abstinence from taking of food and drink-materials of all kinds after Sun-set
First Great Vow of Ascetic Life, The first great vow runs as:
पढमे भंते ? महव्वए पाणाइवायाओ वेरमणं, सव्वं भंते ! पाणाइवायं पञ्चक्रवामि, से मुहुमं वा वायरं वा, तसं वा यावरं वा, नेव सयं पाणे अइवाइज्जा, नेवन्नेहि पाणे अइवायाविज्जा, पाणे अइवायंते वि
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