long sharp nails, with lacerated skin, and disfigured with a number of ugly patches.
Their bodily constitution will be weak, their appearance will be formidable and their modes of sitting and getting up, as well as, of eating and drinking will be very censurable. Their bodies will be afflicted with various diseases; their gait will be unsteady, and their movements will be distorted.
They will be destitute of energy, devoid of strong character, lusterless, cold-bodied, hot-bodied, dirty-bodied, full of anger, pride, and deceit, avaracious, distressed mostly destitute of an instinct for righteousness, and they will be deprived of samyaktva (Right Belief)
Their bodies will be of one hand's neight, and their lifelimit will be sixteen years or at the most twenty years
They will have a large family of sons, grand-sons, daugh
ters etc.
मिभूया स्वरतिक्खन खकंड्इयविक्खयतणू दहुकिडिभसिंझ फुडियफरुसच्छवी चित्तलंगा टोलागतिविसमसंधिबंधण उक्कुडिअहिगविभत्त दुब्बलकुसंघ एणकुप्प - माणकुसंठिया कुरुवा कुणासण कुभोइणो असुइणो अणेगवाहि परिपीलियंगमंगा खलंतवेज्झलगती निरुच्छाहा सत्तपरिवज्जिया विगयचिट्ठा नहतेया अभिक्खणं सीयउण्डखरफर सवायविाडिया मलिणपंसूरशगुंडि यंग मंगा बहुकोइमाणमाया बहुलोमा असुहदुक्खभोगी ओसन्नं धम्मसण्णसम्मत्तपरिभट्ठा कोसेणं स्यणिष्पमाणमेत्ता सोळसवीसविवासपरमाउसो पुत्तनत्तुपरियालपणबहुला गंगा सिंधुओ महानदीओ वयद्व च पव्वयं निस्साए बाबतरि नि ओदा बीर्य बीयामेत्ता बिलवासिणो भविस्संति । ते णं भंते! मणुया किमाहारमाहारंति ? गोयमा ? ते णं कालेगं समये णं गंगा सिंधूओ महानदीओ रहपहवित्थराओ अक्वसोयप्पमाणमेत्तं जलं बोज्झिहिंति से वि य णं जले
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