580 the feet of the Worshipful Lord, greatly delighted Gängeya Anugara willingly accepted the Bhāyavatı Dîksa of the Religion of the Five Great Vows oi Srainaņa Boagavâna Mahāvîra. Găngéya Anagāra thus, led ascetic life for many years and on death he attained Mussa (Final Emancipation)
śramaņa Bhagavana Manàvira then went to Vaisali and he lived ai Vaiśāli during the rainy season of ille Thirty-second year of his Ascetic Life.
Thirty-third year of Ascetic Life B. C. 536-535).
| Samavasarana at Rājagi iha Nagara 3 Dikså of Gāgalî and Pithara at Pristha Campå Nagari 3 Saniavasaraņa at Rajagriha Nagara Madduka Srāvaha 4. Dradlia-praharı Muni.
Early in the winter śramaņa Bhagavana Mahăvîra, left Vaisålı and went in the direction of Magadha-déśa Coming to Rajagriha Nagara, the Worshipful Lord put up at Guņa sila Caitya outside the town.
Samavasarana at Räjngriha
A Samavasar dĩa was arranged by gods Sramaņa Bhagavāna Mahāvira was preaching religious St.rmons daily.
During those days, many followers of various religious faiths were living at Guņa Sila dyana and they were propounding their own beliefs and refuting the tenets of their adversaries
Ganadhara Bhagavāna Indrabhuti Gautama addressing respectfully Sramaņa Bhagavâna Mailävira Inquired sayiny:-Bhagavan ! Some followers of other faiths say that Šilu (morality) is the best principle, some say that Śruia Jnāna (philosophical knowledge) is the best, and some others say that Sila (inorality) and Sruta Jnāna philosophical knowledge) are each of them individually the best principle. Bhagavan ! What must be the truth in these state ments ?
Bliagavāna' tautama! 'hat the followers of other faiths
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