3. A little hare desires to pull away the mane of the neck of a lion; similarly, this man deciares himself well-known as a Sarvajna among the people before my eyes
शेषशीर्षमणिं लातुं हस्तः स्वीयः प्रसारितः।
सर्वज्ञाटोपतोऽनेन यदहं परिकोपितः ॥ ४ ॥ 4 Śesasîrsamaņim lātumi hastah sviyah prasăritab
Sarvajnātopato'néna yadaham parikopitah
4 He has extended his hand for the purpose of taking the jewel from the head of a sesa-(name of a serpent supporting the earth and forming the couch of Vişņu during his sleep). I have been provoked to anger by him on account of his arrogance of being called a Sarvajna
समीराभिमुखस्थेन दवाग्निवालितोऽमुना। कपिकच्छुलता देहे सौख्यायालिंगिता ननु ॥५॥ Samîrābhimukhasthéna davāgni-r-jvälito' munā; Kapikacchūlatā déhé saukhyāyālingitā nanu.
5. A forgest-fire has been kindled by him, he himself remaining in the direction facing the wind; he really embraced Kapikacchu-latā-the itch-nettle plant-for pleasure.
He, then, said "Let it be so ! What does it matter? I will soon make him unable to give a reply. Because,
सावद् गर्जति खद्योत्स्तावद् गर्जति चंद्रमाः।
उदिते तु सहस्रांशौ न खद्योतो न चद्रमाः ।। ६॥ 6. Tāvad garjati khadyotastăvad garjati Candramah
Udité tu sahasrāņsau na khadyoto na Candramāḥ 6.
6. Khadyota-the fire-fly boasts and the Moon boasts, (so long as there is no Sun) but when the thousand-rayed Sun rises, there is no fire-fly and there is no Moon,
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