afe 40-Vádi Cakra cūdamaņé-Who is like a crest jewel worn by sovereigns among controversialists,
afzalsitROT-Pandita Sironiaņe-Who is the best among learned men
fafsararmar-Vijitāneka vāda-Who has become victorious in numerous controvarsies.
Arkadiaga-Sarasvatı labdha prasāda-Who has obtained the special favour from the Goddess of Speech and Learning.
Indrabhûti Gautama, then, thought within hunself “Ah ! why has this been done by this sogue ! That I have been provoked to anger by his arrogance of being called a Sarvajna.
Because, कुष्णसर्पस्य मंडूकश्चपेटां दातुमुद्यतः।
आखूरदैश्च मार्जार-दंष्ट्रापाताय सादरः ॥१॥ 1. Krisnasarpasya maņdūkaścapetām dātumudyatah ;
Ākhuradaiśca mārjära damstrāpātaya sãdarah. 1
1. A frog has become ready to give a slap to a black snake, and rats are respectfully ready for striking off completely the teeth of a cat.
वृषभः स्वर्गजं शंगः महर्नु कांक्षति द्रुतम् ।
द्विपः पर्वतपाताय दंताभ्यां यतते हयात् ।। २ ॥ 2. Vrisabhah svargajam śringaih prahartum kānksati drutam;
Dvipah parvatapātāya dantābhyām yataté hayāt 2
2. A bull desires to strike a blow at once to be borne in heavens by means of his horns, and an elephant tries to pull down vehementy a mountain by means of his two tusks.
974: FRATI outpati
मदृष्टौ यदसौ सर्ववित्वं ख्यापयते जने ॥ ३ ॥ 3. Sasakaḥ késariskandhkrafésarám kristumihaté;
Maddriştau yadasau sarava--vittvam khyāpayatè janè. 3.
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