170 these sins (of previous lives), I censure them, I atone for them, and I repudiate my soul from these sins
असंतोषमविश्वासमारंभं दुःखकारणम् । मत्वा भू फलं कुर्यात् परिग्रहनियंत्रणम् ॥ १ ॥ Asantosamaviśvāsamāraibham dukkha kāraṇam Matvā mūrchā-phalam kuryāt parigraha-niyantraṇam. 1.
1. Knowing discontent, distrust, and undertaking-the source of misery-as the (evil) consequence of delusion, one should do limitation of parigraha (property-belongings).
परिग्रहममत्वादि मज्जत्येव भवाम्बुधौ ।
महापोत इव प्राणी त्यजेत्तस्मात्परिग्रहम् ॥ २ ॥ 2. Parigraha-marnatvaddhi majjatyéva bhavambudhan
Mahapota iva prāņi tyajét tasmāt parigraham
2. Like a big ship drowning in an ocean, a living being is drowned in the ocean of this life, by attachment towards property. One should therefore abandon a desire for property.
तप:श्रुतपरिवारां शमसाम्राज्यसंपदम् ।
परिग्रहग्रहग्रस्ता स्त्यजेयुयोगिनोऽपि हि ॥ ३ ॥ 3. Tapah sruta-parivārām sama-sāmrajya-sampadam
Parigraha-grahagrastastyajéyu-r-yogino'pi hi.
3. Even ascetics, practising religious concentration, possesed by the demon of parigraha (desire for possessions) lose their wealth of universal sovereignty of mental tranquility resulting from austerity and Scriptural Knowledge.
मुष्णन्ति विषयस्तेना दहति स्मरपावकः ।
रुन्धन्ति वनिताव्याधाः संगैरंगीकृतं नरम् ॥ ४ ॥ 4. Musṇanti visayasténā dahatı smara pāvakah
Rundhanti vanıtävyādhăh sangai-r-angikritam naram.
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