rāim bhunjāvijjâ raim bhunjanté vi anné na samaynujāmi, javajjiväé tiviham tivihéņam, manéņam, vāyāé, kāéņam, na karémi, na kāravérni, karantam pi annam na samaņujāņāmi, tassa bhantél padikkamāmi nindāmi garihāmi appāņam vosirámii Chatthé bhanté ! vaé uvatthiomi savvão rãi - bhoyanáo véramaṇam, 6.
Icceyāim panca mahavvayāim rãi-bhoala vén amaham-chathāim attahiyatçhayae upasampajjttanam viharăını il
Rätri Bhojana Vrata.
Now, next, as regards the sixth vow l-e abstinence from taking food and drink at night, O worsiupiul Sirel I renounce all eating at night whether it is food or drink or savouries or any fragrant article to be licked or chewed
I shall not myself eat at night, I shall not cause others to eat at night, and I shall not consent to others eating at night. As long as I live, I shall not do it, I shall not cause others to do it, and I shall not consent to others doing it, tiviham (in past, present, and future) tivihéņam by mind, speech, and body). O Worshipful Sire! I confess, blame myself, repent and exempt myself from the sin. As regards the sixth vow, I am ready for abstinence from all eating at night.
I move about having resorted to these Five Great Vows and to the sixth vow-i-e Abstinence from all eating at night, for the welfare of my Soul.
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