nated by them. A living being with the organ of smell, semils agreeable or dis-agreeable odours. This is third clause.
Fourth Clause of the Fifth Great Vow. अहावरा चउत्थाभावणा-जिम्माओ जीवो मणुना रइं रसाइं अस्साएई, मणुनामणुन्नेहि रसेहिं नो सज्जिज्जा जाब नो विणिघायमावज्जिज्जा, केवली बूया-निग्गंथे णं मणुनामणुन्नेहि रसेहिं सज्जमाणे जाव विणिघायमावज्जमाणे संति मेया जाव भंसिज्जा ॥ न सका रसमस्साउं जीहाविसयमागयं । रागदोसा उ जे तत्थ, ते भिक्खू परिवज्जए ॥१॥ जीहाओ जीवो मणुन्ना इं रसाइं अस्साएइ त्ति चउत्था भावणा
Ahavara cauttha bhavana-jibbhâo jivo maņunna 2 im rasaim assâéi manunnamaņunnéhim raséhim no sajjijja jâva no vinighayamâva jjjjá. Kévali büya- Nigganthé nam manunnâmaunnyéhim rasėhim sajjamâne jâva vigighầyamâvajjamâné santi-bhéyâ java bhansijjà « Na sakkâ rasamassâum jihâvisayamågayain | Râgadosâ u jé tattha, té bhikkhū parivajjaé lll ll Jihão jîvo manunna im rasâim assẵói ti caufthã bhavana.
Fourth Clause of the Fifth Great Vow.
Now, next, fourth clause-If a living being with a tongue tastes agreeable or disgreeable tastes, he should not be attached etc-to them. The Kevalin says-If a Nirgrantha is thus affected by pleasant or unpleasant tastes, he might fall from the law declared by the Kevalins.
It is impossible not to taste the tastes which reach the tongue, the mendicant should avoid love or hatred originated by them. A living being with a tongue, tastes pleasant or unpleasant tastes. This is fourth clause.
Fifth Clause of the Fifth Great Vow. अहावरा पंचमा मावणा-फासओ जीवो मणुन्नामणुन्नाई फासाइं पडिसे
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