yatnavân garantert Practising great exertion ( in austerities ) 9. Icchāyān 1751917 Desirous of the Salvation of all the living beings in the universe, 10 Lakşmivän hat Having the superabundant wealth expressive of thirty--four supernatural wowers, 11 Dha! maván efart Mindful of various religious duties, and 12 Aiśvaryaván a sarana Possessing supreme glory as he is always served by kings, emperors, crores of gnds and the various Indras (3) Aigarāņam IFTTTO, The originator of the Dharma, with regard to his individual Tîrtha; (4) Titthayarāņam Ferreparatui The founder of the Tirtha or Sangha i-e an institution consisting of four elements viz Sadhus ry Sadhvi arreft Nuas, Srāvaka pia Lay-men-jains and Śrávigas wat Lay-women-jains or the institutor of the first Ganadhara TUTETT the leader of the Order of Monks; (5) Sayam sambuddhāņam aggro, One who has developed Knowledge without instruction of any one else. (6) Purisuttamāņam gfight, One who is the best of all men ( being a treasure of innumerable qualities.) (7) Purisasihāņam ofte error One who is as brave as a lion among all men-because he is strong enough to destroy the enemies in the shape of Karmas, because he has patience in enduring sufíerings, and because he is dauntless in troubles; (8) Purisa-vara puņdariyánam gfchatý retratoi, him who is like an excellent white lotus among men-just as, a white lotus is produced in mire, grows higher and higher by water, and then remains quite aloof from both the mire and water, in the same manner, the Bhagavān is born in the mire of Karmas, grows with the relish of enjoyments, and gradually leaving aside both the Karmas and pleasures, remains perfectly aloof; (9) Purisavara gandhaliatthigam gitarrardto, To him who is like an excellent Gandha-hasti is fear Rutting elephant. Just as other elephants run away by the smell of a Gandha-hasti, in the same manner, famines, epidemic diseases, and other pestilences disappear by the perfumed fragrance of the winds wherever the Bhagavan goes; (10) Loguttamāņam yaratot To him who is the best among righteous people because he
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