to from a cavity and kept in front of his forehead, goes seven or eight steps towards the Tirthankara, and having gone there, keeps the left knee high and the right knee on the ground, and applies his head three times to the ground; and having done so, bends his body forward a little, and having bent his body, raises his arms which were arrested by bracelets and arm. lets; and having raised them, the Saudharmendra, with his two hands folded to form an anjali ( a cavity ) bringing his ten nails together, moving the anjali around his head, and keeping It in front of his forehead, spoke ibus:
(1) Namutthu nam Arihantāņa ery o ftaTui Obeieauce to the Aribants (who have destroyed enemies in the form of evil karmas.) (2) Bhagavantāņam nemu, To him who possesses the twelve attributes indicated by the welve out of the fourteen meanings of the word Bhaga it. They are | Sürya The Sun, 2 Jñāna Knowledge, 3 Māhātmya ATENT Greatness, 4 Yaśa The quality of pacifying the animosities of creatures having natural antipathy towards each other, 5 Valrãgya a tiszt Indifference to worldly objects, 6 Mukti affi Liberation, 7 Rūpa F9 Beauty, 8 Virya afte Strength, 9 Prayatna gam Effort (in practising austerities ) 10 Icchā The desire ( for salvation of the living beings of the universe ) 11 Laxmi geoft Wealth, 12 Dharma sh Duty. 13 Aiśvarya
SaT Prosperity, and 14 Yoni alfa Female organ of generation. So far as Bhagavān is concerned, out of these fourteen meaninys, the first viz Sürya and the last viz Yoni are to be excluded. The remaining twelve neunings are therefore:--Jnā. navān #art Possessing Knowledge 2 Māhatinyavān Healt Possessing greatness 3 Yaśasvin Teta Possessing the faculty of pacisying the animosities of living beings who have natural antipathy towards each other, as for instance, a peacock having a natural antipathy towards a serpent, a dog towards & cat, a cat towards a mouse etc 4 Vairūgyavān Straata Possessing Indifference towards worldly pleasures. 5 Muktivan falla Possessing Lib..ation. 6 Rūpavan grata Possessing handsome form 7 Viryaván fald Possessing unlimited strength 8 Pra
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