of thirty-two hundred i bousand Fantas Vinkinas celessial cars ; who puts on garments as clean as the sky without dust who has put on garlands and crown in their proper places, whose two cheeks are broked by charming, embellished swinging carpendants of fine gold, the most prosperous, the met brilliant, the most powerful, the most renowned, the rnost glorious, the most bappy, with a shining body, with a garland of milny coloure reaching right to his feet; who was in Saudharma Kalpa, in the celestial car Sandharma Avatainaka in the audience hall Sudh - rman, in the lion - seated throne Sakra; he who exercises aud maintains supreme rule, guidance, leadership, supreme authority, and general courmandership over (I thirty-two hundred thousand celestial abodes, over (2) eighty-four thousand Frafra Sämänikir gods, (gous with a rank similar to that of himself ), over (3) thirty-three Traini: Trāyatrimśāb, protecting gods ( held in high esteem by the Indra) (4) the four guardians of the world, (5) the eight chief queens with their retinue, over (6) torte assemblies, (7) seven armies, (8) seven commanders of á nies, over 9) eighty-four thousand guardian-gods in each of the four directions, and over (10) numerous other Vuimānika grids and goddesses residing in Saudharma Kalpa The Indra was enjny. ing the enjoyable divine pleasures, amid the great ringing sound of dancing, songs, musical performances, inus!c of strinyod instrum ents ( Viņā), rhythmical clapping of hands, the Turya, the great drum and the clear sound of the beating of the kettle-drun.
Here, the Sakra has been described us mana satakratn, the observer of the fifth religious vow of a Śrävska, a hundred times, during his previous lise as Fafá to Kartika Śth. The soul of Kārtikin Śstb, was born as Sandharmendra during his next life, on account of his practising such religious observances, The account of Kārtika Seth rune as follows :
At aferftaggor ac Prithivibhūşaņa Nagarn, a town named Prithivibhūşaiņa, there was a king named TETOT Prajāpāla,
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