from the wrist-joint-goes towards the thumb, it iridicates, happiness, increase in wealth and acquisition of countries. If the upward line goes towards the index finger, the person will either be a king or bis equal. If the upward line goes towards the middle finger, it means that the man will either become a religious preceptor or & commander of arinies. If the upward line goes towards the ring finger, it indicates that the man will be a wealthy traveller. If the upward fine points towards the little finger, it indicates that the man will 'se a tavourite of the public.
Between the thumb and the gotra line, there is the line for brothers and sisters; between the line of life and the wrist jolnt, is the line of progeny; and between the line of life and the little finger, is the line of wives.
१४ यवैरंगष्ठमध्यस्थैविद्या-ख्याति-विभूतयः ।
शुलपक्षे तथा जन्म दक्षिणांगाध तैः ॥ १३ ॥ 14 Yavairanguşthamadhyasthal-r-vidyākhy &ti-vibhūtes aḥ;
Suklapakşe tathā janma dakšiņārejusthaisca taiḥ 14.
14 The presence of the sign of a barley-grain in the middle of the thumb, indicates knowledge, fame, and prosperity. If the sign of a barley grain is in the middle of the right thumb, it indicate birth during the bright-half of the month.
१५ न स्त्री त्यजति रक्तासं, नार्यः कनकपिङ्गलम् ।
दीर्घवाहु न चैश्वर्य न मांसोपवितं सुखम् ॥ १५ ॥ 15 Na strî tyajaii raktākşam 1ā’arthaḥ kanakapingalam;
Dirghabāhum na caisvayarı na mãnsopacitam sukbam 15 15 A woman does not leave the rec-eyed; wealth does not leave the man whose eyer. are yellow like gold; prosperity does not leave one whose upper extremities are long; and happiness does not leave the man who is fleshy.
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