GET: 74-192-mte- t-79-afe-for - - T9HAT-ATT-fantom-450-5492-fafé 7 ll 8 11
3. Samaņé Bhagavam Mabăviré tinvāņovagaé āvihotthā, calssămi tti jāņai, cayamäņé na jāņai, cuémi tti jāņai–jam rayanim ca ņam samaņe bhagavam Malāviré, Dévāņandāė māhayie Jālan. dharasa-guttāé kucchimbi gabb hat'äé vakkanté, tam rayaạim ca ņam să Dévāņar dā māhani dayamjjamsi suttajägarā ohira!nāņi ohiramāņi imé éārūve urālé kallāņé, sivé, dhanné, inangalle sasoite, cauddasa mahasurniņé pāsitiā ņam padibuddhā, 3
Tam jabā:-- Gaya-vasaha-siha-abbisèya-dāma-sasi-diņayaram-jjhayamkumbham. Paumasara-sägara--vimāṇabhavana-rayaņuccaya-sihim ca 4.
3 Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira possessed (at the time of conception ) three kinds of Knowledge. ( viz 1 gfaara Mati jnäna, Sensual knowledge 2 yatia Śruta jnina and 3 para 97 Avadhi jnāna Visual Knowledge ). He knew that he would descend; he did not know (at that moment ) that he was descending (because of the infinitesimally sinä'l period of time taken during the descent ); and that he knew that he had descended.
During the night, in which Sraamana Bhagavan Mahavira took the form of a foetus in the womb of Brahinani Divāna-- ndā of Jālandhara gotra, Brahmaņi Dévanaadā was ou bud chuch, in a condition between sleeping and waking-taking fits of sle: p-and having seen the lollowing noble, prosperous happy, fortunale, auspicious, and beautiful fourteen great Jreams she wok up. 3
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