consequence of the aggregate working of these two fundamental categories, the attainment of Moksa becomes natural. On the day of his diksa, Sramana Bhagavān Mahāvira took the vow of renouncing all fresh sinful acts by a recltation of a verse of Sāmāyika sutra, e-8.
करेमि [मंते सामाइ सव सावज जोगं पच्चखाइ जावजीवाए विविहं तिविहेणं मणेणं वायाए कायेणं न करेमि न कारवेमि करतंपि अनं न समणुजाणामि वस्स [मंते ] पडिकमामि निंदामि गरिहामि अप्पाणं वोसिरामि
Karémi [bhanté] samăiyam savvam sāvajjam jogam paccakkbai jāvajjivāė, tiviham tivihénam; menenau vâyäé, kāyeņain na tarémi, na käravémi, karantbm pi apnam na saman jāņāmi; lasea (bhartel padikkamāmi nindāmi garihånl appagani vosirami.
I do såmāyika (a vow of peaceful indifference to worldly objects for the purpose of attaining tranquility of mind) I abstain from all sinful acts so long as I am alive-trividham ( in three ways) viz by mind, by speech, and by body-trividhéna ( in a three-fold manner that is to say-) will not do it (myself), I will not have it done (by others), and I will not pralse 0:1e who is doing it I withdraw away from it. I censure it, I make it known (before the Guru) Por penance 1 renounce my-self.
And he observed the vow very carefully, preventing, thereby, the iuflow of frteb Karmas and by the steady employment of nirjarā tattva he exterminated all the Karmas previously attached to biy soul. That this is the only right road of attaining Mokra ( Fini Emancipation) is made clearly evident by the life-incidents of Tirthaikara Mahārāja Śramapa Bhagavān Mahāvīra.
Now, let us inquire how śramaņa Bhagavān Mahavira led an ascetic lise during the period of chadmastha state,
Asceric life is made prosperous by a careful watch on panca samitla (the five religious observances ) and tri-guptis.
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