mind several titnes, he was not in the least. disturbed. Ah! becoming dishonored how can I go to the assembly of the Indra, and show my face? He became greatly excited by such evil notions. Now, let ine take away the life of this muni. His meditation will naturally, cease with it. There is no other remedy for it. With this idea in his mind, Samgamaka went on with his harassments.
18. During the eighteenth disturbance, Samgamaka prepared a kāla-cakra (death-wheel) weighing thousands of maunds of iroa. He lifted it, and designed as it were like a hemi. spherical other lid of the earth, he dashed it with all his might, against śramaņa Blagavān Mahavira. The death-wheel inaking all the directions fearful by the rising flames, fell heavily on the Revered Lorel, like it sub-muring fire in a sea By the blow of the death-wheel capable of reducing to a powder form, all the mountains of the world, the body of śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvîra penetrated knee-dep into the ground. However, although Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahävira was so m-rcilessly harassed by the wicked god he was not in the least angry with him but he was always compassionate towards him. When such a power
m. When such a powerful deathwheel failed in havirg the desired ffect; it did out sill him and It did not make hin: swerve from his religious inedition the poor god thought:-"This man is invincible to missiles and weapons, Such experiments have no effect on bim. These pratikula (unpleasant) methods of disturbing him are now useles, let me, therefore, try some anukur pleasing) methods.
1). During the ninete oth disturbance god Samgamaka riding a celes!ia! chariot came to śramaņa Bhagavā! Mi hävira. Having got down from his vimā:a. he carne nearer, ind, as if be bad becom: grally pleased by his :: ust-risies and p-ligious meditation, he began to address the Lor! thus - O Great Sage! I am greatly pleased by your rigid austerities, your strony character, your valour. your pörfect indifference to your own life, and by your dignity of firm determination in fully accomplishing a work once begun, you, therefore leave off these distressing
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