14. During the fourteenth disturbance, Samgamaka creareil a camp inhabited by numeroue human belngs. One of the cooks of the camp tried to find out pieces of stone for preparing a hearth for the purpose of cooking rice but, unable to get any suitable object, ba at once placed the cooking-pot on the slightly separated feel of Śramana Bhagavān Mahăvîra, and applied blazing fuel in the gap. The fect of the Bhagavăn were burnt, but he came out more beautitul, like pure gold becoming refined by heating. The god was again disappointed.
15. The wicked god created a terrible caņdāla (a cruel man of low caste). He applied cages of carnivorous birds on the neck, two arms, and leg: of Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira. These birds caused so many cuts by their beaks and claws that the body of the Venerable Bhagavān became full of a number of boles. In this endeavour also, the god was unsuccessful.
16. Samgamaka then, in a fit of rage, produced a violent storm of wind, of great velocity. It up-rooted and hurled up in the sky big trees and it threw stones, pebbles, and masses of dust in all directions. Filling up the earth, and the sky in all directions like an enormous bellows, the violent wind listed up Śramana Bhagavan Mabăvira and dashed him on the ground, but the cruel god could not attain his desired object and the Bhagavān enduring the trouble patiently, remained perfectly steady in his religioua meditation.
17. During the seventeenth disturbance, the god created a whirl-wind which being capable of turning mountains, moved here and there śramane Bhagavān Mabāvîra, like a mass of clay on a potter's wheel. Although the whirl-wind tussed him greatly like a whirl-pool in a sea, the Revered Lord remaining in solitude, did not, in the least, swerve from his meditation, Then, although the proud god Samgamaka firmly determined in his vow of distracting the mind of Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira made numerous attempte, he was not succesful. He thought"I repeatedly tried to harass this muni (saint) with adamantine
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