Gośāla, also, although he was strictly observing the religious rites prescribed by Jinéśvaras, became disgusted with keeping his body in restricted postures, and leaving aside all sense of shame ilke a buffoon without caring for future danger, he took his seat taking support of the mouth of the image of Vasudeva. The worshipper of the idol who came there with a flower basket and an incense-pot in his hand, saw Gośāla seated thus only from a distance, and he thought with amazement:- "I have been worshipping this god for a long time, but I have never seen any one else worshipping him with such devotion, so is this man possesscd by a pišāca or by a demon? Or, is be sitting thus under the influence of perverseness of elementary consiiiuents of his body?" As soon as the worshipper entered the interior of the temple, that experienced man knew him to lie ! nepdicant irom his raked appearance, and he thought :- If I punish this man, the people of the village will think me to be vajust and wicked. Let me, therefore, inform the people. Letihem see for themselves and do whatever is fit. Why should I do this un profitable work?" The worshipper informed the people. The people went into the temple, and, on seeiug Gośāla seated I canling on the image of Vāsudeva, they angrily beat him severely with cane and blows, and after having mangled his bod;. they left bim alter a long time thinking him to be a lunatis.
Srainana Bhagavău Mahavira then went to Mardana Sapniveśa and he stood in religious contemplaticu in a clead portion of the temple of Baladeva.
III bred Gośāla sat carefully like an ascetic keeping his male generative organ into the mouth of the image of Baladeva. People of the sunniveśa angrily beat him as before, and they left him after a long time.
Śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvira, then, remained in religious contemplation in Sāli-vana of Sālaka village There, also, a vyautari named Sălajja, angered without can se, began to create various troubles to Jinésvara. When that evil-minded vgantari got tired of doing further troubles, she worshipped the Lord, and
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