Peregrinations of Sramaņa Bhagavån Mabāvira during the last 61 years of chadmastha käla of ascetsc life.
Seventh Year of Ascetic Life (B. C. 502-61 ).
At the end of four months' fasting, Sramaņa Bhagwān Mahāvira broke his fasting outside the town. Having taken the break - fast, the Jinésvara Bhagavān took vows of various kinds and be continued his vihāra in Magadha-desa for eight months, without any trouble, accompained by Gośāla. Having completed his touring in Magadha-desa during winter and summer months Śramana Bhagavān Mahāvira went to Alambhikā Nagari, with: the object of staying there during the ensuing rainy season.
During, the stay at Alambhikā Nagari, śramana Bhagavān Mahāvira bid a continuous fasting of four mouths. At the end of the four months' fasting, Sramana Bbagavān Mahāvira had his break-fast outside the town.
Eighth Year of Ascetic Life (B. C. 501-60 ).
Having taken his break-fast outside Alambhika Nagari, Śramaņa Bhagvăn Mahāvira went in the direction of Kupờāka Sannivega. He stayed there for a short period, in the temple of Väsudeva and stood in a corner of the tall temple of Vasudeva,
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